woman puts in a contact lens

Side Effects of Wearing Contacts to Consider

Contact lenses have revolutionized vision correction, providing a convenient alternative to eyeglasses. However, like any medical device, they come with both advantages and disadvantages. It’s essential to be aware of the potential side effects of wearing contacts to make an informed decision about your eye care. 

In this blog, experts at Rochester Optical will delve into the positive and negative aspects of contact lenses and why visiting an eye doctor in Rochester, NY, is crucial for proper guidance. If you’re interested in getting prescription contact lenses, schedule an appointment with our eye doctors.

Schedule Your Contact Lens Appointment

happy woman with a contact lens

The Positive Side Effects of Contact Lenses

  1. Enhanced Aesthetics:

    Many individuals prefer contact lenses for aesthetic reasons. They provide a natural look without the frames of eyeglasses, enhancing one’s appearance.

  2. Improved Peripheral Vision:

    Unlike glasses, contact lenses offer an unobstructed field of vision, enabling better peripheral vision and a more immersive visual experience.

  3. Ideal for Active Lifestyles:

    Contacts are perfect for those with active lifestyles or sports enthusiasts, as they don’t interfere with activities and provide stability during physical movements like glasses do.

  4. Correcting Various Vision Issues:

    Contact lenses come in various types, including toric lenses for astigmatism and multifocal lenses for presbyopia. An optometrist in Rochester, NY, can help you choose the right type for your specific needs.

woman with an irritated eye from a contact lens

The Negative Side Effects of Contact Lenses

  1. Dryness and Discomfort:

    Some individuals may experience dryness, irritation, or discomfort when wearing contacts, especially if they have underlying dry eye issues.

  2. Risk of Infection:

    Improper handling, poor hygiene, or extended wear can increase the risk of eye infections. Regular visits to an eye doctor are essential to monitor eye health.

  3. Allergic Reactions:

    Some wearers may develop allergies to contact lens materials or cleaning solutions, leading to redness, itching, or other allergic reactions.

  4. Corneal Issues:

    Extended use or improper care can lead to corneal problems, such as corneal ulcers or neovascularization.

To make an informed decision about contact lenses and address any concerns or side effects, it’s essential to consult an experienced eye doctor in Rochester, NY. They can provide guidance on the types of contact lenses suitable for your vision needs and ensure your eye health is maintained.

If you’re considering contact lenses or experiencing any side effects, schedule an appointment with our optometrist in Rochester, NY, for a comprehensive eye examination and personalized recommendations on the best contact lens options for your unique needs. Your vision and eye health are our top priorities.

Learn More About Contacts